chaff corridorの例文


  1. Extended Range Firebees were also used to lay chaff corridors during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
  2. The bombers were supported by 113 tactical aircraft which provided chaff corridors, escort fighters, Wild Weasel SAM suppression, and electronic countermeasures support.
  3. Five BQM-34-53 Extended Range Firebees were also used to lay chaff corridors during the American intervention in Iraq in the spring of 2003.


  1. "chafetz chaim"の例文
  2. "chafey"の例文
  3. "chaff"の例文
  4. "chaff bundle"の例文
  5. "chaff cloud"の例文
  6. "chaff countermeasure"の例文
  7. "chaff cutter"の例文
  8. "chaff device"の例文
  9. "chaff dispenser"の例文
  10. "chaff grenade"の例文
  11. "chaff bundle"の例文
  12. "chaff cloud"の例文
  13. "chaff countermeasure"の例文
  14. "chaff cutter"の例文

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